Family Support Services Party in the Park for Prevention May 1, 2015 at Friendship Fountain

Family Support Services to host a free PARTY IN THE PARK for Child
Abuse Prevention at Friendship Fountain


Family Support Services is hosting its annual Party in the Park for
Prevention, celebrating National Child Abuse Prevention month, on
Friday, May 1, from 6-8 p.m. at Friendship Fountain Park, 1015 Museum
Circle. The free, family event will offer valuable child safety tips
and activities that include free water taxi rides, games, giveaways,
face painting, a cooking demonstration and free water safety books for
children, while supplies last.

Complimentary sandwiches will be provided by Chartwells Dining
Services to the first 300 attendees. Free children’s passes to the
Museum of Science and History will be given to the first 50 children.

Nancy Hogshead, Olympic swimmer and three-time gold medalist, will
speak briefly about water safety and drowning prevention. Hogshead is
supporting FSS and Jacksonville’s local Waterproof Florida awareness
initiative to help prevent child drowning. In Duval County, drowning
is the No. 2 cause of child deaths; the No. 1 cause in Nassau County.

Local social services agencies, special guests and the Jacksonville
community are joining together to draw attention to the prevention of
child abuse. Learn about local programs and services, and how they
help children and families in our community.

Area residents are encouraged to wear blue to show support of local
efforts to prevent child abuse.

FSS is the lead agency for foster care, adoption and family
preservation in Duval and Nassau counties. For more information, visit

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