2013 Friendship Fountain Patriotic Music Program

I just received word from Rick Sawyer with The City of Jax that the Patriotic Music Program will begin playing at Friendship Fountain on Jul 1, 2013 at 8 AM ET and play through July 7, 2013.

If you haven’t had a chance to see the Patriotic Music and Light Program at Friendship Fountain yet, or even if you have before, make sure to mark your calendars to get down to the Fountain one evening during the week of July 1st, 2013.

Also some of the best seats in Downtown Jax for the City of Jacksonville Fourth of July Fireworks are always from Friendship Fountain Park. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Walmart for sponsoring the 2013 Annual 4th of July Fireworks in conjunction with the City of Jacksonville. http://www.makeascenedowntown.com/Events/Fourth-of-July-Celebration.aspx

Folks a trip to Friendship Fountain is always a good time but there may not be a better time to visit than when the 4th of July Patriotic Music program is playing!

Until next time, Bob

2012 Boat Light Parade Downtown Jacksonville

The 2012 Jacksonville Boat Light Parade will be held on Nov 24, 2012 at 7:00 PM ET.

Viewable from both the North and South Riverwalks (including Friendship Fountain) it was also announced that immediately following the Light Parade the Holiday Fireworks Spectacular will be held including the signature Waterfall Fireworks from the Acosta and Main Street bridges.


This is a MUST see for Adults and kids alike and a great evening out for the family.

For more details click the link above.

Till next time, Bob

Psst… Follow @DTJax on Twitter

#FriendshipFountain Repaired and PINK for October

Received word from Mike Cribbs (writing for Rick Sawyer) that the Fountain lights have been repaired and Friendship Fountain is operating again.

This being Breast Cancer Awareness Month Friendship Fountain will be showing support by sporting the color PINK all month.

Local Breast Cancer Awareness Month events courtesy of Jacksonville.com

The Fountain is expected to operate normally all Month and I am waiting word on the 2012 Holiday Schedule ๐Ÿ™‚

Till next time, Bob

Southbank Riverwalk replacment plans…

Headline from Jacksonville.com

City eyes summer 2013 as possible starting date for replacement of aging Southbank riverwalk

Read the article here…

Plans are to replace the wood planked Riverwalk with concrete. While I have to say I loved the idea of a Wood Riverwalk when it was originally built the maintenance has proved to be beyond the City’s capabilities and concrete is a better idea for long term…


#FriendshipFountain Updates

I have been remiss in posting updates, my apologies.ย  Obviously I am not a writer in another life ๐Ÿ˜‰

I have been getting inquiries as to the status of the “Blue Box”.

The replacement “Blue Box” was put into service in June 2012 and while I heard there were some issues, that appeared to be operator related initially, the Fountain has basically been back in operation since.

The Week of July 4, 2012 the Fountain was operating with the patriotic Light and Sound program every evening and based on pictures I saw was operating 100% during the Jacksonville Downtown Fireworks extravaganza.

Also reports are that the patriotic music program had been updated and of course the Pergola is now in place.

More images here: http://JaxFountain.com/Gallery/pergola/

However all is not rosy as there have been recent reports of the Fountain not operating at times during the day, thanks @newzgrrl

Rick Sawyer, City of Jax, replied to my inquiry regarding these reports and let me know there are some lights not operating properly and an Electrical Contractor is working to try and determine what the problem may be, which requires that the Fountain be shut down at times.ย  However it should be operating with Water Features and Lights every evening.

Again my apologies for not posting sooner and thanks to those of you that have written directly, tweeted or left comments here for your interest in Friendship Fountain and your prodding to get updated information posted.

Til next time,

More #FriendshipFountain Construction

If you are planning on taking a trip to Friendship Fountain in the near future don’t be surprised when you see new Construction Fencing on the East side of the Fountain…

As reported by Beth Slater (@newzgrrl on Twitter) fencing is in place and Rick Sawyer from the City of Jacksonville has confirmed this is the beginning of the Pergola addition to the east side of Friendship Fountain.

Estimated completion is not known at this time but we are certainly excited to see the City following through with this ๐Ÿ™‚

Now we just need that pesky “Blue Box” replacment to arrive to get the lights and sounds of Friendship Fountain back to normal…

Mothers Day is this Sunday and there is aย  Motherโ€™s Day Boat Cruise to benefit the St. Johns Riverkeeper, 10 a.m.-Noon from #FriendshipFountain Reservations needed: Contact 904-256-7613 or shannon@stjohnsriverkeeper.org.
St. Johns RiverKeeper

Until next time,

#FriendshipFountain Update

Rick Sawyer, from the City of Jacksonville, sent us an email this morning and it appears that the “blue box”, basically the electronic heart of the Fountain’s Music and Light systems, has gone haywire and a replacement is on it’s way.

Until it has been replaced the sounds and lights of Friendship Fountain will not be operating, however the water jets are unaffected.

We will post more information as it becomes available.

Until next time,

#FriendshipFountain Lights Issue

According to an update I received this Morning from Rick Sawyer, Park Maintenance Superintendent, an Issue cropped up Friday or Saturday night with the Fountain’s Lighting which the Contractor is looking into.

So if you visit Friendship Fountain in the next few days the lights may not be working properly…

Will keep everyone posted as I get any information from the City.


Green #FriendshipFountain? St. Patrick’s Day

For St. Patrick’s Day the City of Jacksonville is planning on turning Friendship Fountain GREEN ๐Ÿ™‚

According to an update I received yesterday from Rick Sawyer, Park Maintenance Superintendent, City of Jacksonville, Friendship Fountain will be Green from March 12, to March 19, 2012 for St. Patrick’s day

Should make for some nice pictures not to mention just getting into the spirit of things.

The Fountain turned PINK for the Weekend of Feb 11 – 12, 2012 in Honor of the National Marathon To Finish Breast Cancer or better known as the 26.2 with Donna

Certainly like to see the Fountain helping to promote Holidays and Events around town ๐Ÿ™‚

Till next time,